“Why doesn’t my diesel vehicle perform the way it used to?”
You may have noticed that your vehicle doesn’t have the same performance it had when you first bought it. There can be a few reasons for this. As your diesel engine runs, not all the fuel is completely burned or combusted. This incomplete combustion leaves residues that cause the build-up of carbon deposits on the injectors, valves, pistons, and other engine components.
How does this affect your vehicle and your wallet?
These deposits cause poor running, loss of power, higher emissions, poor fuel economy, and in the newest engines, nearly continuous regeneration cycles.
Were you aware that bacteria and fungi live in Diesel Fuel? These contaminates can grow and create a sticky residue that can plug fuel injectors. This can lead to decreased mileage, and eventually to expensive repairs. The best way to eliminate the problems associated with bacteria is twofold; eliminate water in the fuel (which the bacteria needs to live and grow), and clean the injectors to eliminate fouling.
It’s all about Restoring Performance and Fuel Economy
When we perform a diesel fuel system cleaner service, we clean the injectors using TerraDiesel Fuel Injector Cleaner. This product will clean the injectors, pumps, turbochargers, and the EGR valves by removing gums, varnishes, and deposits. As well, it improves fuel atomization for more power, better fuel economy, and lower emissions.
After cleaning the fuel system, we then treat the fuel with TerraDiesel Multi-Function Fuel Treatment. This will remove water from the fuel tank to stop the growth of bacteria and fungi. It will also improve the atomization of the fuel while continuing the clean up of the fuel system. As well, it raises the cetane level of a 40 rated fuel by 4-6 points and adds a synthetic lubricant to the system. This treatment contains a cold flow improver (anti-gel agent) to improve cold weather operability and stability agents to prevent oxidation and thermal degradation.
Benefits of a Diesel Fuel Service
- The entire fuel system is cleaned for improved performance.
- Your fuel economy will improve as emissions decrease.
- Water will be removed from the system, helping to prevent rust and the growth of bacteria and fungi.
- Continuous treatment with TerraDiesel Multi-Function Fuel Treatment will improve operations in all weather conditions.
Did you know?
Paragon Motors offers a no charge Lifetime Protection Plan that protects you against Diesel Fuel System failure when TerraDiesel products are used as part of a diesel service.
Please ask your Paragon Motors service adviser for details.
You can read more about TerraClean and their products by clicking here.