Your Fuel System Fuel injectors deliver fuel to the engine’s combustion chamber by spraying a fine mist onto the back of an intake valve. If you can imagine an aerosol spray can being sprayed multiple times per second in the engine, then you can understand the function of the injector.
However, just like the aerosol can, the injectors can get clogged. Generally by dirt, gums and varnishes from the fuel. When this happens, the spray pattern of the fuel is affected. This means wasted fuel, decreased mileage, and decreased performance and engine response.
Typically, due to condensation, as much as 4-6 ounces of moisture can build up in a fuel system over time. Water in fuel causes trouble for the fuel system and reduces the lubrication of the engine.
Preventive Maintenance
When Paragon Motors performs a minor fuel system cleaning, they add TerraClean Optima Fuel System Cleaner to your fuel tank. This product helps clean the fuel system as you drive, clearing up clogged injectors by removing gum and varnish buildup. This helps to atomize the fuel during injection cycles to increase fuel mileage and engine performance. It can also absorb moisture in the fuel tank and turn that moisture into a burnable substance to reduce possible fuel tank corrosion.
Did you know?
Keeping your fuel system clean can improve your gas mileage. It can save you money, and help the environment. Please ask your service advisor for details.